December 2020 – Open Virtual Workshops

1 December 2020

Join us this month for one of our virtual workshops to experience our interactive approach to learning.

Race and Actionable Allyship in the Workplace – Tuesday 8th December, 1pm EST/12 noon CST/10am PST/6pm GMT. 

What does it look like to be an ally not just in words, but in action? How are we speaking up and recognizing when privilege and power come into play in the workplace? Over 90 minutes, we explore how bias might inform our decision making in the workplace, own the ways our privilege effect those choices, change the way we think about that privilege, and live the actions of an ally.

Having Conversations about Mental Health at Work – Wednesday 16th December, 2pm GMT/3pm CET/9am EST. 

How do you ensure the well-being and mental health for you and your teams? How do you spot the signs that a colleague is struggling in a virtual world and how do you begin to have effective conversations about it? Join us an interactive workshop looking at how to ask that key question of ‘Are you Ok?’ and how to have effective and honest conversations with our colleagues about Mental Health at Work.

To ensure each participant gets the most value from the workshop, we do suggest you ensure you’re able to attend for the full session length – and we do have to limit registrations to 35 per session, and only 3 participants per organisation for each session. If you can’t attend any of the sessions, but would like to be first to know about the next events, please click here to sign up for our fortnightly newsletter. 

To reserve your place, please email with your name, organisation and the session(s) you’d like to attend!