Top Considerations for Virtual Sessions

4 February 2021

As with live sessions, working to achieve high levels of engagement, active participation and commitment to change is at the heart of our approach to virtual learning. Here are a few top considerations we recommend to our clients for a successful virtual session. Read on to see more, or please click here for to view or download the PDF version.

Consider the full Learning Journey:

Virtual sessions need to be short and impactful, therefore, what happens before and afterwards is key. Consider pre-session engagement through to follow-up Live It activities, such as skills practice and coaching sessions.
“How do you continue the conversation beyond the session?”
“Who’s keeping participants accountable and what are the next steps?”

Engage with Participants Beforehand:

Explain what to expect from the session – interactive virtual workshops NOT webinars – and what participants have to do in advance to have the best experience (connect with a computer rather than a phone, download app, have a pen and a paper, etc.).
Consider pre-session communications with a video and drama, where applicable, to introduce a flavour of
what is to come.

Be Short and Punchy:

90 minutes is an effective session length. Consider the need for a 5-minute break in 120-minute sessions.
Consider modular sessions, such as follow-up skills practice in small groups.

Choice of Platform is Key:

Zoom is our platform of choice. We can host if your organisation has challenges with Zoom.
We can also use others but being able to see and interact with people is important for engagement, interaction,
and networking – be it with internal or external colleagues.

Cameras On:

Having cameras on is important for the engagement and interaction we are looking for. Ideally, we like all participants to have their cameras on.

Team Size and Tech Support:

Team size and diversity is key. We will work with you to find the best option.
We have teams of engaging, highly skilled tech supporters but can also work with your in-house specialists

To find out more about Steps Virtual Sessions, including a short video, please visit our virtual experiences page.