How Does Theatre-Based Unconscious Bias Training Work

At Steps, we firmly believe that theatre-based training is an effective way to raise awareness and drive positive behavioural change in the workplace. Our creative learning techniques and interactive dramas provide a safe and supportive space for employees to discuss sensitive topics, such as unconscious bias, and challenge their assumptions and beliefs. But how exactly does this approach work?

To begin, we work closely with our clients to customise our training programs to their unique needs and objectives. This may involve identifying the types of biases most prevalent in their workplace or industry and developing scenarios relevant to their employees.

Our drama-based training typically involves a group of talented actors who enact a scenario that depicts a workplace situation where unconscious bias is at play. The scenario is engaging and relatable and may feature characters from a range of backgrounds and cultures. After the performance, the actors engage with the audience in a facilitated discussion about the scenario and the depicted unconscious biases.

Through this process, participants are encouraged to reflect on their own biases and assumptions and explore ways to challenge and overcome them. Our training also includes practical tools and strategies that can be implemented in the workplace to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

We offer a variety of training formats, including roleplay, workshops, coaching, high-impact learning exercises, video and digital media, well-crafted experiences, and simulations, to ensure that our training programs are accessible and effective for clients worldwide.

Our theatre-based unconscious bias training has been shown to be highly effective in promoting awareness and driving behavioural change in the workplace. By creating a supportive and engaging environment for employees to explore unconscious bias, we can help create a more inclusive and respectful workplace culture that benefits everyone.

With more than 25 years of experience in delivering transformative behaviour change initiatives, you can trust Steps to help your organisation achieve its diversity and inclusion goals.

Theatre Based Unconscious Bias Training FAQ

How Effective Is Theatre-Based Unconscious Bias Training

It’s not uncommon for us to be asked about the effectiveness of theatre-based unconscious bias training. After all, can such training really have such a sizeable impact on a business and its workforce? The short answer is yes, and here are just a few reasons why:

  • Encourages Self-Reflection
  • Promotes Diversity and Inclusion
  • Equips Employees to Approach Each Situation Differently
  • Increases Sensitivity

Our theatre-based unconscious bias training courses are designed to encourage self-reflection and promote diversity and inclusion throughout your organisation. While change may not occur immediately, raising awareness about these essential issues can have a positive impact on your staff and clients alike.

The training we provide helps participants recognise unconscious biases and minimise their impact on their judgments and behaviour. By acknowledging that even subtle labels and stereotypes can influence their views, participants can learn to approach situations with an open and inclusive mindset.

Furthermore, our training also helps to build team cohesion and appreciation for diversity. Managers become more sensitive to each team member’s unique qualities, working to create an environment where everyone can thrive. By promoting cross-training and multidisciplinary teams, we cultivate a sense of community and reduce the risk of prejudice.

Ultimately, our training also has a positive impact on customer relations. By teaching your team how to approach customers of different ages, genders, races, disabilities, or religions, we help create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere where discrimination has no place.

With our theatre-based unconscious bias training courses, your organisation can benefit from increased awareness, stronger team dynamics, and a more inclusive culture. Contact us at Steps Drama to learn more about our transformative training programs.

What Is Theatre Based Unconscious Bias Training Based On

Our theatre-based unconscious bias training courses are based on the idea that unconscious bias exists in all of us and that raising awareness about this issue can lead to positive change in the workplace. Our training draws on the principles of drama and creative learning to create a safe space where participants can explore sensitive topics such as unconscious bias, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Theatre-based training is particularly effective because it allows participants to experience scenarios where unconscious bias may be present in a realistic and engaging way. By using skilled actors to perform scenarios that reflect real-life workplace situations, participants can better understand the impact of unconscious bias on their colleagues and their own actions.

Moreover, our training also involves facilitated discussions where participants can reflect on their own biases and assumptions and explore ways to challenge and overcome them. We provide practical tools and strategies that can be implemented in the workplace to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Each training course offers a powerful way to promote awareness, reflection, and change in the workplace. By creating a supportive environment where participants can engage with these issues in a meaningful way, we can help organisations to create a more inclusive and respectful workplace culture that benefits everyone.

Theatre Based Unconscious Bias Training FAQ

What Skills Are Needed for Theatre Based Unconscious Bias Training

Theatre-based unconscious bias training requires a range of skills from both the facilitators and the participants. At Steps Drama, we believe that the following skills are essential for effective theatre-based unconscious bias training:

  • Active Listening
  • Reflection
  • Openness
  • Communication Skills
  • Creativity
  • Facilitation Skills

Participants must be able to listen actively to the scenarios performed by the actors and engage in facilitated discussions. Active listening helps participants to understand and empathise with others’ experiences and perspectives. Participants must be willing to reflect on their own biases and assumptions and explore ways to challenge and overcome them. Reflection is crucial for promoting self-awareness and personal growth.

Individuals must be open to new ideas and perspectives and be willing to challenge their assumptions and beliefs. Openness helps to create a supportive environment where participants can engage with sensitive topics such as unconscious bias in a meaningful way. Participants must be able to communicate effectively with others and be willing to share their experiences and perspectives. Effective communication skills help to create a supportive and respectful workplace culture.

Facilitators of theatre-based unconscious bias training courses must be creative and skilled at designing scenarios that reflect real-life workplace situations. Creativity is essential for making the training engaging and relatable for participants.

Lastly, facilitators must be skilled at leading discussions and creating a safe and supportive environment for participants. Facilitation skills help to ensure that the training is effective and that participants feel comfortable sharing their experiences and perspectives.

Theatre-based unconscious bias training is a powerful way to promote awareness, reflection, and change in the workplace. By developing the skills listed above, both facilitators and participants can create a more inclusive and respectful workplace culture that benefits everyone. At Steps Drama, we are committed to ensuring that your business is able to quickly and easily achieve your goals.

Check Out Our Steps to Change Program

At Steps, we believe that creating lasting behaviour change in organisations is essential for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. That’s why we use our tried-and-tested four-stage process, Steps to Change, to deliver real, long-term change.

The first stage, See It, involves using actors or bespoke videos to show delegates the current culture of their organisation. This stage allows participants to understand the need for change and raises awareness about the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.

The Own It stage is critical for adults to modify their behaviour. Therefore, we use a variety of techniques to help individuals believe in the value or necessity of the change. In this stage, participants learn how to take ownership of the change and feel empowered to implement it in their workplace.

The Change It stage involves helping people develop new skills and behaviours through tailored role-play, coaching, and simulations, among other activities. This stage helps participants learn practical tools and strategies that they can implement in their daily work to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Finally, in the Live It stage, we focus on maintaining momentum and embedding the change into the organisational culture. We help participants develop the skills and mindset to continue implementing and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in their workplace long after the training has ended.

Our approach to creating lasting behaviour change in organisations has been proven to be successful, with high evaluation scores from our clients. We believe that we can help your business achieve significant, long-term change that will benefit you and your employees greatly.

To learn more about our Steps to Change process and how it can help your company achieve lasting behaviour change, get in touch with us today by calling +44 (0) 20 7403 9000.

Theatre Based Unconscious Bias Training FAQ