In response to what we’ve heard from our clients, we launched our first issue of ‘Steps and the New Normal’ newsletter last week – click here to see what arrived in inboxes, or read on for the content!.
In the first issue of ‘Steps in the New Normal’, we share some resources on D&I and Mental Health we’ve found useful in this strange environment, as well some updates from us!
The New Normal!
It turns out the new normal requires new thinking! As lockdown began and stay-at-home orders were issued, we thought we all could use something to smile at. So we put our creativity to good use to create a video (all filmed remotely!) with some of the pitfalls of virtual meetings…
Click here to watch >
D&I Thinking in the New Normal
It’d be easy for D&I to fall down the agenda right now – so here’s some articles we’ve found helpful in thinking about it in the context of the COVID-19:
Looking Out for You in the New Normal
Away from the world at work, the Steps team has been working together to look after our own wellbeing by sharing resources we’ve found helpful – and we’d like to share them with you too!
If you’re interesting in receiving the next issue straight to your inbox, click here to sign up.