Making Workplace Mental Health Everyone’s Business – New York

18 December 2019

Wednesday 12th February 2020, 6-8pm, Manhattan

It is fair to say mental health has become one of the most significant conversations of our time. However, most of us are still deeply uncomfortable at the thought of having to talk about mental health, especially in the workplace. Mental health problems affect approximately 1 in 5, or nearly 44.7 million, adults in the US each year (CDC), and to engage with this at its core we need to
acknowledge what really matters – that workplace mental health awareness is everyone’s business.

We invite you to see our unique approach to Workplace Mental Health Awareness in action.  Through interactive scenarios, practical case study and facilitated discussion, our experiential workshop will give you:

  • Raised awareness of what we mean by mental health and practical guidance on how to ‘have the conversation’.
  • Insight on how to make mental health awareness everyone’s business and a shared responsibility.
  • A chance to hear about our ground-breaking, award-winning partnership with a global organization, head-quartered in the UK.
  • Skills in recognizing the signals and being proactive in addressing mental health issues.
  • Increased confidence in how to manage and challenge the perceptions of others.

To find out more from a video case study of a similar event in the UK in October 2019, please click here.

Places are limited, so please email to register your place by Wednesday, February 5th 2020. We hope you can join us.

For a shareable PDF version of the invite, please click here.